Alocasia Polly

The Alocasia Polly, also known as the Alocasia x Amazonica and African Mask Plant is a very recognizable plant that you’ll probably have seen before on social media or in gardening stores.

Available in 4″ 6″ and 10″



Elephant Ears (Alocasia)→African Mask (Alocasia ‘Polly’)

Elephant’s Ear

Common names:
Amazonian Elephant Ear
African Mask


Also sold as:
Alocasia x amazonica ‘Polly’


General Plant Information
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Partial or Dappled Shade
Partial Shade to Full Shade
Water Preferences: Mesic
Soil pH Preferences: Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0)
Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5)
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 9b -3.9 °C (25 °F) to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
Maximum recommended zone: Zone 11
Plant Height: 12-18 inches
Plant Spread: 12 inches
Leaves: Unusual foliage color
Other: Glossy, deep green accented with attractive white to light green veining
Flowers: Showy
Flower Color: White
Flower Time: Summer
Other: Seasonal.
Underground structures: Rhizome
Suitable Locations: Houseplant
Uses: Provides winter interest
Resistances: Deer Resistant
Rabbit Resistant
Humidity tolerant
Toxicity: Other: All parts of plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, an irritant to the mouth and esophagus. Toxic to cats and dogs.
Propagation: Seeds: Will not come true from seed
Other info: Remove seed from berry which contains chemicals that inhibit germination. Viability declines if seeds are allowed to dry. Soak overnight in distilled water and plant.
Propagation: Other methods: Division
Containers: Suitable in 1 gallon
Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Goes Dormant
Parentage: Sport of: Amazonica