Philodendron Rojo Congo

A vigorous grower with dramatic foliage that emerges copper-red when new, then matures to dark green on striking red stems.



Philodendrons→Philodendron ‘Rojo Congo’

Also sold as:
Congo Rojo


General Plant Information
Plant Habit: Herb/Forb
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Partial or Dappled Shade
Plant Height: 5 feet (1.5m)
Plant Spread: 3 feet (90cm)
Leaves: Evergreen
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Suitable Locations: Houseplant
Toxicity: Other: All parts of plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, an irritant to the mouth and esophagus.
Propagation: Seeds: Other info: Remove seed(s) from berry which contains chemicals that inhibit germination.
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Containers: Suitable in 1 gallon
Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: Patent/Plant Breeders’ Rights: PP14,116
Parentage: Imperial Red x Philodendron tatei subsp. melanochlorum






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